Valley Stream writer publishes nationally acclaimed book

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According to Andrea Gibson, a published poet and activist from Colorado, the book is a brave piece on the female perspective. “‘After the Witch Hunt’ had me crying aloud in my mother’s kitchen while thanking [Falley] over and over for [her] fierce generous voice,” Gibson said. “Whatever holy siren you have in you, you will uncover it here. By the final page I’d divorced every whisper in my chest.”

On May 26, a book-release event for “After the Witch Hunt” will be held at the Nuyorican Poet’s Cafe, at 236 E. Third St., in Manhattan, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Falley will perform readings from her book at the event, which will include musical performances by Shira Erlichman and Mahogany Browne; and performances by several poets, including Jeanann Verlee and Angel Nafis.

Falley said she’s always changing her style, from initially focusing on rhyming, to highlighting deeper meanings through images and metaphors. In an attempt to explain her affinity for poetry, she recently said, “I suppose, at the most basic level, my mind is most aroused when I hear something compared well to something else, in a way I had never thought of before.”

Poets worldwide have been dedicated to writing poetry daily, on personal websites or for books, in celebration of National Poetry Month in April. Falley participated in the month-long tribute to poetry, posting daily to one of her websites,

According to Falley, book events will also be held in New Paltz and at the Sip This coffee house in Valley Stream. However, the dates for those events have not yet been announced.

For more information on Falley or “After the Witch Hunt,” visit

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