Letter to the Editor

Wantagh's Person of the Year says thanks


To the Editor:

Thank you so much for the honor of being named the Wantagh Person of the Year. I was surprised when the president of Wantagh High School Key Club, Christina DePaulis, sent a message congratulating me about the award. I had no idea what Christina was talking about until she sent the article to my phone. I cried when I read the article, with quotes from my friends Sandy Gutfleisch and Sue Lipski, but my daughter Heather’s words touched my heart.

I enjoy working with the Key Club members every week. The picture on the front page was taken by the Herald photographer after a busy Sunday volunteering. The morning began with teaching church school to 5- and 6-year-old children at the Church of St. Jude in Wantagh. After church, I quickly assumed role of Key Club adviser. We assisted the Kiwanis Club of Wantagh at King Kullen with a food drive coordinated by my friend Arlene Drucker. We gathered donations for the St. Frances de Chantal food pantry to feed the hungry in our community. Key Club members met at Triangle Park that afternoon for the Wantagh Chamber of Commerce’s annual tree lighting ceremony. We served refreshments to hundreds of Wantagh citizens attending the event.

While serving hot cocoa and baked goods, a Herald photographer asked to take a headshot of me. I did not understand why he wanted a picture of me, when I was working with the kids. I asked to have my Key Club included in any press pictures. He did take a group picture with the kids surrounding me, but it was not published. Anyone who knows me, understands my passion for volunteering is more like an addiction. I can brag about my children, my family or the people I work with for hours. I loved all my roles over the years: class mom, PTA committees, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, PAL soccer coach, church school teacher, church vestry member, Girl Scouts awards chairperson, and PTA Council board member facilitating PARP and our semi-annual blood drives. I joined Kiwanis Club of Wantagh to help the children in our community and served as president and Key Club adviser for the past few years.

The friendships forged from these volunteer roles are priceless. I am blessed to be surrounded by hard-working parents who dedicate their time and talents to serve others. I am grateful for this award. However, I do not volunteer for recognition or to get my picture in the paper. The Wantagh community is filled with people who deserve recognition for all they do to make Wantagh a wonderful place to raise their children.

After moving to Wantagh in 1995, I looked forward to having my children attend the elementary school their father attended. After 14 years of commuting with two young babies in daycare every day, I decided to be a stay-at-home mother, dedicated to raising my beautiful children. I am grateful to Peter for supporting us and letting me volunteer to serve the community.

In March 2015, I started my new career at NEFCU as a business development officer. Working for a company that encourages me to volunteer and stay involved in community activities is amazing. I count my blessings every day; they include my family, my friends and my home in our wonderful town of Wantagh.

Thank you for all that the Herald does to honor our town in your weekly publication. You are awesome.

Heidi Felix


2015 Person of the Year