
A health care discussion abroad


To the Editor:

I am writing in response to Randi Kreiss’ column, “Political wing nuts grab all the headlines, Sept. 10-16, and Scott Brinton’s, “Health care, a question for rich and poor alike, Sept. 17-23.

I just returned from a trip to Italy. My wife and I waited 40 years for the opportunity. Raising four children and maintaining a household in Valley Stream occupied and utilized our time and resources.

While at dinner in Montecatinni, a very friendly Canadian couple asked why so many Americans were opposed to President Obama’s health plan. Not wishing to get into a health care debate during our once-in-a-lifetime trip to Italy, I mumbled something about cost, quality of care, death panels and the patients’ right to choose physicians. They persisted in their inquiries, since they were concerned about their son, who was working in the states without a health plan. When I asked them if they were satisfied with their health care program, they expressed a satisfaction with a not-so-perfect system. Besides, if they ran into a problem in Canada, they could always cross the border to the states and get the same day medical care which may include examinations, X-rays and an MRI.

I then told them that under Obama’s health care program there would be no more American supplement to their system. There was silence, and we all continued with our fine Italian dinner. Maybe our good neighbors in Canada have to review their health care program without the availability of the American option plan.

Charles Sticco

Valley Stream