Crime watch

Another cluster of burglaries in town

Police advise residents to lock doors, windows, cars, leave lights on and keep valuables out of sight


Rockville Centre police were busy over the March 6-7 weekend with three burglaries and two attempts in the vicinity of William Street early that Saturday morning.

All three burglaries were on William Street, while one attempt was made on Brower Avenue and another on North Long Beach Road.

“We think that it was all by the same person or group of people,” said RVC Police Commissioner Chuck Gennario. “We’re definitely doing an investigation, and we’re going to be more aggressive in our investigations. We’re going to have to stop these burglaries.”

While police search for the burglar or team of burglars, Gennario encourages residents to take simple measures to make their homes safer—the first being to lock doors. Residents should lock the doors and windows to their homes as well as to their cars. Do not leave valuable items in cars.

Lights are also important. Gennario encourages residents to leave exterior lights on as well as a few lights inside the house.

“One of the biggest things, and this happens in all the burglaries, women come into the house and they immediately drop their pocketbook on the counter, and then they go to bed and leave it on the counter,” said Gennario. “Get it out of sight, bring it up to the bedroom. Because if they don’t see anything valuable that they can get quickly, they’re going to move on.”

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