Holy art

Bible stories brought to life

People's Church holds second annual art summit


The People’s Church of Long Beach, at 111 Delaware Ave., is holding its fourth annual Bible Art Summit from 1 to 6 p.m. on Oct. 24. The show includes watercolors, acrylic, mixed media, music and photography, and the art work must be based on the Hebrew or Christian scriptures and accompanied by a written paragraph of the story and the book in the Bible it represents. No nudes are allowed. Any artist wishing to enter must bring their art between 6 and 8 p.m. on Oct. 23.

Students are assigned with the task of finding scripture in the Bible and bring their stories to life. Three years ago, The People's Church began Bible art painting classes depicting stories from the Hebrew and Christian testaments in the Bible, which were taught by Demerah Campbell, the curator of the exhibit. The classes concluded with an art summit that was open to the community of all faiths.

For information about the art summit,

call 431-3968.