Construction management services contract for Glen Cove Sewer Services Area approved


A construction management services contract for upcoming infrastructure improvements in the Glove Cove Sewer Services Area has been secured by Nassau County Legislator Delia DeRiggi-Whitton, a Democrat from Glen Cove.

Members of the Legislature’s Rules Committee voted unanimously on May 4 to retain Gannett Fleming Engineers and Architects to provide complete construction management services for repairs and improvements to the Central Homes, Dana’s Highway, Long Meadow, Roslyn Village and Franklin pump stations, as well as the Harwood Drive ejector station.

Funding for the roughly $885,000 contract will be drawn from the county’s Pump Station Rehabilitation capital budget allocation.

“Approving this contract reaffirms Nassau County’s commitment to making smart investments in sewer infrastructure that preserve our quality of life and protect the environment for future generations,” DeRiggi-Whitton said.