
East Rockaway student wins essay contest

'If I save today, in the future I could ...'


Astoria Federal Savings held its 5th annual essay contest for children, ages five through 12, asking the students to complete the statement: “If I save a lot today, in the future I could…” The essay contest was part of Astoria Federal Savings’ fun and educational Teach Children to Save Celebrations, held in every neighborhood branch throughout Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester.

Of the more than 1,000 entries received, Astoria Federal Savings judges selected seven top winners and one local winner from each branch location. The grand prize winner was 12-year-old Meagan Ochtera of East Rockaway, who received a new personal computer. Adding to the excitement, the top winner’s school was also presented with a brand new computer.

In Meagan’s essay, the Rhame Avenue School student writes that with her savings she would get a college education to become a teacher and open a school for children in Zimbabwe, where “all the kids would learn about the arts by playing instruments and putting on plays while they were learning.”

Ten-year-old Cami Berger of East Rockaway was one of the second place winners, entering at the Lynbrook branch. With her savings, Cami says she would start a charity for areas around the world that have suffered from natural disasters.

In addition, every child who was selected as a local winner from their community won a $50 U.S. Savings Bond, a Teach Children to Save Celebration Award Certificate and an Education First teddy bear and medal.

“We had great participation this year, and the essay contest tied in nicely with our newly developed School Outreach Program. Our managers visited local elementary schools to teach children about making smart financial choices, even at a young age,” said Astoria Federal Savings Senior Vice President and Director of Marketing Brian Edwards. “This contest is a great way to get children to think about their goals for the future and what it will take to get there.”

Astoria Federal Savings’ Education First initiatives include the Student Savers and Bank-at-School programs, as well as the Kids Tools for School Collection Drive to help children be prepared on the first day of school by providing them with new school supplies, and The First Home ClubTM to promote homeownership. For more information about Astoria Federal Savings’ Education First financial literacy programs, please call 1-800-ASTORIA.

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