Exploring space at the E.M. library


Residents will soon have unique opportunities to explore the solar system — right in East Meadow.

East Meadow Library officials announced in their February newsletter that they will host “Discover Space: Exploring Our Solar System and Beyond” — a “museum-quality” exhibit sponsored by the Space Science Institute, the National Center for Interactive Learning, the Lunar and Planetary Institute and the Afterschool Alliance.

East Meadow was one of only six libraries in the U.S. chosen to host the exhibit, which will open locally in July 

According to the American Library Association, the exhibit features National Science Foundation and NASA research aimed at helping humanity understand the origin and evolution of planets, stars and galaxies and define the conditions necessary to support life beyond Earth.

The four exhibit areas are “Search for Alien Earths,” “Exploring Our Solar System,” “Space Rocks” and “Electric Space.” They are designed to teach people of all ages about gravity, how stars and planetary systems form, the similarities and differences between Earth and Mars, the tools scientists use to explore planets, and the sun, magnetics and the solar system.

The exhibition will be open to East Meadow patrons and visitors, according to the ALA. Library officials will also host related, space-themed programs.

Jude Schanzer, the library’s director of public relations and programming, said it would host renowned astrophysicists, geologists, scientists and artists for programs associated with the exhibition. Library Director Carol Probeyahn noted that, in addition, the facility has partnered with the Cradle of Aviation, the Long Island Children’s Museum, the Amateur Observers Society and “friends” groups for the library and Hempstead Plains.

“They will be providing innovative quality programming throughout the time the exhibit is with us,” Probeyahn wrote in the newsletter.

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