
Franklin Hospital plans to demolish homes, expand parking


Franklin Hospital is making plans to create a 105-spot parking lot in the next few months — a move they say will require that five hospital-owned homes on Midvale Lane to be demolished.

Currently, there are families in three of the homes, one is used by hospital staff and the last home is empty, hospital officials said. Out of the 11 total homes on that cul-de-sac, the hospital owns 10 and they are rented to North Shore-LIJ health system employees and former employees. These homes, which sit toward the block’s end, include single-family homes.

Tenants are being asked to vacate by March 1, upsetting some. Officials say they will not force residents out, giving them 90-days notice and assistance.

It’s a safety issue

“We have made an operational decision because of parking issues,” said Joe Manopella, the hospital’s executive director. “People complain because the employees and visitors park on the streets by the hospital. We are trying to make it a safe environment so people can park on campus.”

Manopella noted that the lot could help reduce the number of car-related fatalities that occur on Franklin Avenue near the hospital — some people may drive fast despite digital speed limit signs. The lot would serve visitors, patients and employees and help stop anyone from parking on side streets or in front of nearby homes, he added.

The decision, which officials believe is good for the community, was rendered to residents in a legal notice in November, according to Manopella. Residents, along with Manopella, said that there was talk of the plan before the notice went out. A second reminder notice was sent out last month, officials said. Also, a Town of Hempstead hearing was held discussing plans after they were approved.

Manopella said the hospital spoke with the families, though he noted that one family is not “100 percent happy.”

“We are giving them time and not padlocking their doors,” he said. “We won’t just throw people out — we will work with them for a proper transition.” Right now, Manopella said he believes that two families have agreed to vacate but could be delayed.

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