Glen Cove Councilwoman leads ‘Do Good to Feel Good’ program


Glen Cove’s “Do Good to Feel Good” program has never been more relevant than it is now during the COVID-19 crisis. The program helps those who are out of work and need food and financial or health care support, along with police, fire and EMS workers needing a treat for all their hard work.

Councilwoman Dr. Eve Lupenko Ferrante and her husband John Ferrante have spent hours over the past several weeks gathering food donations for distribution to seniors, low income families and otherwise.

Their most recent effort gathered many hundreds of cases of snack food, which was delivered to the staff of Glen Cove Hospital and the city’s police, fire and EMS departments, in addition to the city’s Department of Public Works, several pharmacies and an urgent care center.

Generous donations were received from families and businesses, with exceptionally substantial amounts of food donated by Gregg DeSantis of JAG Specialty Foods and John and Carmine Falcone of Falcone Bakeries. Lifelong resident of Glen Cove, Toni Kessel, has also spent a great deal of her time collecting and delivering food and other items all over Glen Cove.

“Our communities are always wonderfully generous,” said Legislator Delia DeRiggi-Whitton, who also volunteers for food pickups and donations. “But during the coronavirus, I’ve seen an extraordinary amount of self-sacrifice to help others in need. It is so heartwarming.”

Those interested in collecting and/or delivering food or making monetary donations to help neighbors in need, can contact DeRiggi-Whitton’s office at (516) 571-6211 or