It‘s Little League sign up time


It may be cold outside but spring and baseball are not far away, so registration for Island Park Little League opens next week. Prices are lower this year as well. “We are hoping it will be more affordable, so more kids [will join], and parents can use the extra savings for other things,” said President Jack Vobis.

T-Ball for boys and girls ages four and five years old is now $80, minors and majors from children six through 12 years old is $125, and junior and senior league for children 13 through 16 years old is $175.

Last year saw the installation of a new Little League Board of Directors. Vobis said, “We needed to go through the books and see what it took to run the league. We increased their sponsorships, so we have additional monies coming in.” Plus the board of directors did a thorough cost analysis and found out that they could lower the price they charged the public. “Now we have enough of a base to know what we need to do, how much it is going to cost us, and how much to charge the parents.”

All new players must submit a birth certificate.

Registration begins Thursday, Jan 21, and Friday, Jan. 22 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., and Saturday Jan.23 from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. at Lincoln Orens Middle School. Regi8stration can also be made on line at, or mail registration to P.O. Box 504, Island Park, NY 11558.