The Principal's Office –– Steve Kussin

Joining the Israeli Defense Forces


Kennedy High School graduate Joshua Gelb of Merrick joined the Israeli Defense Forces last year. As of this writing, he had nearly completed his military stint. I recently interviewed Gelb about what led to his life-changing decision to join the IDF and his experiences in the Israeli army. This week and next, I will share his enlightening answers.

SK: What made you decide to enlist in the IDF? How long had you been thinking about it?

JG: My decision to enlist in the IDF was the culmination of several factors. Most importantly was my strong sense of Zionism and my pride in being a Jew. Growing up in a traditional Jewish family from an early age solidified my Jewish identity. After a family vacation in Israel in 1997, I paid closer attention to what was going in Israel. My high school year coincided with the second intifada in Israel, which gave me an acute awareness of the importance of the defense for the Jewish state.

SK: What was the catalyst that led to the decision?

JG: After visiting Israel again through the Birthright program [which provides trips to Israel for young adults] during my sophomore year of college, I decided that I wanted to go back and chose Tel Aviv University for my study abroad semester. It was during this time that I met several like-minded guys who were also interested in joining the IDF. I also met some Americans who had already made aliyah [settling in Israel] and joined the army. I discussed my plans with them, which gave me the confidence to make my own move. I returned to school to finish my degree and decided that after graduation I would move to Israel and follow my dream.

SK: How long is the commitment?

JG: Because of my age at the time of my enlistment and my desire to serve in a combat unit, I was required to sign for one year and six months. However, for the typical 18-year-old Israeli man, the required length of service is three years.

SK: How did your family react when you told them about your decision?

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