Kiwanis cleans up the E.M. bird sanctuary

Community service


The Adelphi University Circle K Club hosted a Kiwanis One-Day Clean Up of the East Meadow bird sanctuary last month and K-Family members in attendance included Adelphi Circle Kers, East Meadow and Levittown Kiwanians, Levittown Key Clubbers and Bowling Green K-Kids.

The K-Family members removed more than 40 large trash bags, rolls of chain link fencing, auto parts, plastic tubing and other scrap metal. Following the clean up, the group also planted three trees.

The bird sanctuary, originally a water discharge basin, is plagued by a continual influx of trash that flows down the drains of local streets and illegal dumping. The bird sanctuary is Nassau County-owed land adopted by the Council of East Meadow Community Organizations (CEMCO) and is now designated as a preserve.

Circle Ker Rickie Santer, who coordinated the cleanup with assistance from County Legislator and Kiwanian Norma Gonsalves, was pleased by the teamwork demonstrated by the Kiwanis family. “I think this was a great Kiwanis one-day event,” he said. “We had four K-family branches working side by side enjoying each other’s companionship. Age didn’t matter; only our shared dedication to making our community a better place.”