Letter about spraying is a hoax


Village of Cedarhurst officials said that a letter that was distributed throughout parts of Nassau County and left in mailboxes threatening people with arrest if they are outside when mosquito spraying is being done is a hoax.
Purportedly signed by “Supervisor Charles Mangano” the letter stated that such spraying would be done by helicopter for the next five Saturdays, beginning Nov. 7, and that police will patrol the spraying area. There is no Supervisor Charles Mangano. The county executive is Ed Mangano.
“On the day of your town being sprayed, it is important for all children to stay inside their houses with the doors and windows closed,” the fake notice reads. There are also several spelling and grammatical errors. “Please do not answer the door. Spray is extremely dangerous and could be deadly. All children must be inside there [sic.] house from 9:00 am until 9:00 pm. Police will be driving in the area to arrest any person outside during that time,” the letter stated.
It ends with “remember any person outside at the time of their town’s mosquito spraying will be arrest and put in jail for their own safety.”
Nassau health and police officials said the information contained in the letter is “completely false.” “Spraying is not needed because mosquito season is practically over. There would be no public health reason to do that,” said Nassau County Health Department spokesperson Mary Ellen Laurain.
When spraying is scheduled, the county notifies the public through municipalities, automated phone calls, news alerts, social media, website postings and the Nassau Now app.