Letter to the Rockville Centre Herald Editor (Feb. 3-9)


A thank-you to the community

To the Editor:

As I sit here in awe still, a few weeks after being chosen as the Herald’s 2021 Person of the Year, all I can do is say thank you to every single person and resident, group or club of Rockville Centre that has donated, given or volunteered at Sharon’s Pantry. Even to the donors that would like to remain anonymous.

My heart is so humbled. Everyone has a journey in life. Sharon’s Pantry is very pivotal to me and many others. When you feel like giving up, someone’s journey may be tougher than yours, but we all keep pushing and never giving up. There is always a purpose.

We don’t know what the future holds for us, but having Sharon’s Pantry going on two years this March has made a tremendous impact on so many families for the better.

I want to thank the following people, without whose help there would not be a Sharon’s Pantry:  Rena Riback, James Travers, Karen Mobley, Judy Rattner, Rod, Carole Fisher, pantry volunteers and Patrick Morris.  Thank you all for holding it together even when I had treatment for cancer. Your kindness and generosity are never ever taken for granted.

I look forward to having this pantry as one of my legacies.

Sharon’s Pantry collects food and clothing items every Friday from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 150 North Centre Ave.

Sharon Sheppard, Director of Sharon’s Pantry, Rockville Centre