Letters to the Rockville Centre Herald


Obama’s contraception mandate violates Constitution

To the Editor:

The blind support of President Obama’s contraception mandate, voiced in the letter “All women should have access to contraception” (Feb. 23-29), is in actuality a veiled attack on the Catholic faith and all the other religious institutions that have for more than 100 years provided services to our nation’s poor, aged and seriously ill.

Contraception isn’t so much the problem, as is the attempt by the Obama administration to violate the U.S. Constitution (again) by trying to force religious organizations to either violate the tenets of their faith or to close their doors.

Rabid Obama supporters should well know that contraception is available to every man, woman and high school kid in the U.S. — for free in many cases. Planned Parenthood is only one of many sources. So why dictate to religious organizations that they are bound by law to follow suit? The reason is to lessen the influence of religion in America (as taught by Marxist Saul Alinsky) so that the state assumes full responsibility for public health care, otherwise known as “Obamacare.”

No, President Obama is not right on this matter, nor has he been right in all Socialist and Marxist attempts to destroy every vestige of good and decent American traditions that we all cherish so dearly. It is up to every person of faith to join in opposition to Obama’s nefarious dictates and preserve the sacred Constitution, especially the part in which freedom of religion is so clearly espoused.

Mickey Clark

Rockville Centre

Herald’s editorial ‘purely partisan’

To the Editor:

I just couldn’t believe your editorial “We must begin redistricting now, not later” in the Mar. 1-7 issue.

I didn’t see this same editorial 10 years ago, when the Democrats were in the majority and they drew up the election districts as they saw fit. And can you imagine, they even split up municipalities to favor their incumbent Democrats. Where was the League of Women Voters then? There was no one calling for a special commission, and no one claimed a violation of the Voting Rights Act back then.

Now that the Democrats are not in charge and the Republicans get to reconfigure the election districts, suddenly the Democrats and this newspaper chain cry foul. This was nothing more than a purely partisan political editorial. The next time the owners of your newspaper express a political opinion, maybe they should inform the reader what their political persuasion is so that everyone will know why they write what they write.

I wrote this because I am a proud Republican, and I’m not afraid to say it.

Steve Grogan
