Letters to the Rockville Centre Herald March 22, 2012


Education Foundation does vital work

To the Editor:

I would like to thank the Rockville Centre Education Foundation for recognizing me as its 2012 Gala honoree. Through the years the foundation has given the children of the Rockville Centre schools opportunities and enrichment that may not otherwise have been available. With the district's financial obligations becoming more difficult, our partnership with the foundation becomes ever more important.

Thanks to Gala co-chairs Darren Raymar and Tina Rekus and all the volunteers who have given their time and effort to helping our kids. I thank you, and our entire school community thanks you as well.

Mark Masin

Vice president,

RVC Board of Education

Funny for a good cause

To the Editor:

Trustees of the Museum of the Village of Rockville Centre at the Phillips House are happy to announce that the Laughter Saves Lives comedy fundraiser was a great success. We had a wonderful turnout, and a good time was had by all.

Laughter filled the air, and we are grateful to John Larocchia and his three fellow comedians for an outstanding performance. Young and old appreciated their sense of humor. Special thanks also to Astoria Bank, Mercy Medical Center, the Lions Club and the Chamber of Commerce, as well as the many local merchants who contributed money and gifts to this event.

Proceeds from the afternoon will start a fund to finance repairs and structural improvements needed to preserve the museum’s valuable collection and furniture.

The museum is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m. or by appointment. For further information, call me at (516) 764-7459.

Frank Seipp

Trustee, Museum of Rockville Centre

When doesn’t an editorial express an opinion?

To the Editor:

This is a response to the letter “Herald’s editorial ‘purely partisan’” in the March 8-14 issue of the Herald.

Editorial (noun): a newspaper or magazine article that gives the opinions of the editor or publishers; also: an expression of opinion that resembles such an article (“Editorial,” Merriam-Webster).

Faith A. Forgione

Fordham University

Let’s leave the insults out

To the Editor:

In response to “Where are the GOP moderates?” (March 15-21), I found the banal comments to be typical of many liberals: when attacked, insult your opponents with comments such as “… brains cooked … into a heady stew of apoplectic rage.” In defense, I paraphrase the late, great William Buckley: Liberals don’t mind if you have an opinion as long as it is the same as theirs.

Marc Zeloof

Rockville Centre

Not even air is free

To the Editor:

With Saturday’s beautiful weather and the fact that it was St. Patrick's Day, I was inspired to take my bicycle out for the first time this season. Unfortunately, after months in the garage, its tires were flat. Undaunted, I proceeded to take the 10-minute walk to the gas station on Sunrise Highway and Ocean Avenue to remedy the situation.

Well, the lilt of Irish laughter may have been in the air, but I soon found out that air for my tires was no longer free; it was going to take six quarters to get my bike on the road again! In my happy-go-lucky spirit, I had left the house without any worldly necessities, namely money or phone. Hoping the luck of the Irish was with me, I gave the pump a try, but no go. I was not happy, and was actually in shock that now even air costs $1.50 for a minute's worth!

So off I went on the trek back home, walking my weary bike. Frustrated as I was, I quickly decided that there was still lots to be glad about — I had the ability and strength to trudge home, and the day could not have been more beautiful, sunny and 60 degrees. When I do go back to buy my air, it can't possibly be as expensive as gas! My Irish eyes smiled!

Patricia Quinn

Rockville Centre