Long Beach Giants fans celebrate Super Bowl victory

Giants’ win unites residents, brings in business =


“We usually hang on until St. Patrick’s Day comes, but this was a winter gift for us,” said Tom Corning, owner of Minnesota’s, of Super Bowl Sunday, after the New York Giants defeated their longtime rivals the New England Patriots.

“The fans went crazy — a great performance by the Giants,” he said. “A lot of people didn’t make it to school or work the next day, but it was great for Long Beach, great for New York.”

Many business owners across Long Beach echoed those sentiments, and said that with many businesses experiencing a down cycle in the winter months, having the New York Giants in the Super Bowl ensured for a major turnout at restaurants and bars, and was a significant boon to business this past weekend.

Corning said that the combination of Giants fans, in addition to the thousands who turned out for the annual Polar Bear Splash, brought in plenty of business at Minnesota’s, which boasts 25 screens and two 10-foot screens, and was open for brunch to accommodate residents. He added that sweatshirts for the Polar Bear Splash were sold to raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation, and that the restaurant donated an unspecified amount of proceeds for a good cause.

“It was the best Super Bowl we ever had,” he said, noting that many came out for the restaurant’s special offer, which included three courses and unlimited drinks throughout the game. “Everyone was confident going in. We had to hold our breath a few times — you can never relax with Tom Brady. But it was a really good time.”

Long Beach resident Mike Maglione, 32, who previously attended games with his brother, Rich, 29, where the Giants defeated the Atlanta Falcons, Green Bay Packers, and San Francisco 49ers, was in Indianapolis for Super Bowl XLVI. Maglione, who was joined by Mike Morotta, 29, of Long Beach, and other friends, Kevin and Jack Condon, brothers from Massapequa, said the experience was one he will never forget.

“As a die-hard giant fan, it was awesome,” he said. “It was a moving experience. They faced so many injuries, so much adversity this season, it was incredible.”

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