Readers' voices

Long Beach letters


Don’t be dead right

To the Editor:
With regard to issues with the number and location of stop signs and biking in Long Beach (“Dead man’s corner?, Oct. 8-14), let's instead explore human error. Putting in more stop signs won't stop the occasional driver who ignores them or is busy texting or talking on a cell phone. And what about cars backing out of driveways and car doors suddenly opening?
What we need, above all else, beyond what the city can provide for us in the form of rules and signs, is more of our own vigilance. We need to be more alter, making eye contact at every intersection to make sure the driver sees us, maintaining stellar reflexes and flexibility to stop suddenly or turn our head quickly and listening for an approaching vehicle. Just as drivers can become distracted, so can bikers and pedestrians. We have more at stake. And although we may have the right of way in some circumstances, drivers may have other ideas, and it is in our best interest to stay out of the way. We can be right — but dead right?

Here in Long Beach, I’m very happy to at least have the opportunity to bike or walk down lightly traveled streets with sidewalks and wide roads. Drivers come in all temperaments and limits of patience and courtesy. Most are generous and patient with bikers. Some are rushing or otherwise distracted. Realize that there are all types. We can put a stop sign on every corner, but that won't necessarily prevent tragedy. Stay safe and stay alert.
Rhonda Piemonte
Lido Beach

Lido Blvd. project adds danger

To the Editor:
Since the Lido Boulevard median project has been completed, driving on the road has become unsafe. The installation of the new traffic lights has kept the same number of lights as before, when there actually need to be extra lights for the newly created turn lanes. Before the reconstruction, every set of traffic lights had a light for each lane of traffic. Now, only three of the four lanes at each intersection have lights. The right lane and the center lane have lights that control eastbound and westbound traffic, but the left lane has no light at all, and the turn lane has a light that controls turning traffic.
Countless times I have seen people in the left lane go straight when the turn arrow turns green, because there is no stoplight for the left lane. Sooner or later this will cause an accident. Someone will be turning left because the turn light is green, and someone in the opposite direction will start going straight because they see the green of the turn light.
The only solution to this problem is to add a fourth traffic light so that each lane of traffic has its own light. After all, this project was done to supposedly make Lido Boulevard safer. All it has really done is make it unsafe.
Jared Grunther
Lido Beach

Teachers take heed

To the Editor:
Thank you for your outstanding column “What about the reds?” (Nov. 5-11). I pray it has a motivating impact.
Hopefully like-minded teachers and school board members will be challenged to change their passive ways, step up and influence school curriculum for books and resources that offer a fair and accurate retelling of history. I know it is difficult to stand up to the powers that be who promote revisionist history, political correctness and the dumbing down of curriculum standards. But no child is left behind these days because none are allowed to get ahead. Where are the classics?
Please continue to speak out for truth and liberty. I look forward to your next column where you shine light into the darkness. Ignorance is not bliss.
Paul Laude
Long Beach