Malverne police officer among those honored for service by town


Malverne police officer Matthew Hill was honored for his quick thinking and action earlier this month during the Town of Hempstead’s 13th annual Police Service Awards Ceremony.

Town Supervisor Kate Murray praised the 38-year-old father of three for utilizing his training and relying on his “keen powers of observation and intuition” to apprehend a suspect, helping to remove a dangerous criminal from the streets.

While on patrol late one night in September 2009, Hill heard a radio call for a burglary at a North Lynbrook pizzeria. Aware that a smash-and-grab burglary had occurred in the area earlier that night and suspecting the burglar might return to it, Hill decided to check it out.

Hill’s hunch hit the mark: upon arriving at the scene of the earlier smash-and-grab burglary, Hill noticed a suspicious vehicle with one occupant parked in front of the location. When he approached the driver, Hill observed on the floor of the car a screwdriver and a cash-register drawer, on which was a sticker from the burglarized pizzeria.

The officer immediately arrested the suspect, who confessed to both robberies. If not for Hill’s sharp observations and quick actions, there might not have been an arrest, according to Murray. In appreciation, the Town of Hempstead presented Hill with the 2010 Police Service Award.

The longtime Malverne resident has been with the Malverne Police Department since October 2005 and had previously been an officer with the NYPD. His fellow officers and Malverne Police Chief John Aresta are proud to have Hill on their team, and grateful to the town for recognizing his and other officers’ hard work.

“This is a wonderful event that the Town of Hempstead hosts to honor those officers of our community and those of surrounding communities who have distinguished themselves with acts of bravery and/or excellent police work,” Aresta said.