Back to School 2015

Many smiles, few tears for Wantagh's first day


The first day of September marked the first day of school in Wantagh, as 3,033 students walked into the district’s five buildings. With new backpacks, sneakers and school supplies, students mostly donned smiles but there were a few tired faces mixed in.

Jake Sinacori, a senior at Wantagh High School, got a new car and said he is glad to be driving to school this year. He said he was excited and nervous about this being his final year there, but plans to stay focused and do well in class so he can finish high school strong.

On the other side of the Wantagh Parkway, fifth-grader Eva Ingrilli was talking about having a good last year Forest Lake Elementary School. She said her goals for this year are to get good grades and improve her handwriting.

Emily Tullo watched as her sons, James, a fourth-grader, and Ryan, a second-grader, eagerly anticipated their first days. “They’re excited,” she said. “This is the first year that they don’t seem to be nervous.”

Tullo said she was glad that her boys will both have good teachers this year. Since they like to ride their bikes to school, Tullo had to follow them in her car to bring them their school supplies. She ordered the kits that includes all the supplies they need for the year, which she picked up at the back-to-school barbecue a week before classes began.

After spending a lot of time together as a family over the summer, Tullo said the first day was a little rough on her. “It’s kind of bittersweet having them go back,” she said.

Jayme Pabon sent her son, Justin, off to his first day of kindergarten at Forest Lake. She said he was excited to pick out his own backpack, and selected one with a car design.

“He’s ready,” she said. “He’s eager to learn and make new friends and have fun. I know he’ll do great.”

Principal Anthony Ciuffo greeted students as they came off the buses, and was proud to report there were no criers. “The summer flew by,” he said, “but we’re excited to get rolling again.”