Mud Dogs live up to their name


The Long Island Mud Dogs U-12 travel baseball team returned from a successful weeklong chance to play teams from around the country at the Cooperstown Dreams Park. They placed 32nd out of the 102 teams competing. One of the most memorable moments occurred because of rain that pushed a game back to a 12:30 a.m. start. The Mud Dogs persevered and had a game winning home run in the bottom of the 5th to take a 9-8 lead. They held the Langhorne Lions in the top of the 6th, with runners on second and third, without scoring, to a 9-8 victory as the game ended at 3 a.m. 

In the back row of the photo are, from left, Coach Brian O’Sullivan, Manager Teddy Avgerinos and Coach George Bush. In the middle row are Patrick O’Sullivan, Jeffrey Dominguez, Andrew Misiaszek, Paul Lonergan, Michael Angelis and Brendan Condon. In the bottom row are Brandon Bush, Lucas Sullivan, Steve Bornstein, Tony Izzo, Straton Podaras and T.J. Avgerinos.