Muscarella in the 8th L.D.


The Herald strongly endorses Vincent Muscarella for re-election in the 8th Legislative District. After serving four years in the state Assembly, the West Hempstead Republican, who is originally from Elmont, was elected to the county Legislature in 1995, when that body was formed. He has been re-elected handily every two years since, we think for good reason.
      Muscarella's accomplishments include a law that requires minors to get parental permission before getting tattoos or body piercing, and he helped get the county smoking ban passed. He is the ranking member of the Legislature's Health and Social Services Committee, and also serves on the Public Safety, Judiciary, Public Works and Finance committees.
      Just as important as his specific legislative successes, we think Muscarella embodies the bright, reasoned, thoughtful, collegial yet principled lawmaker we wish there were more of at all levels of government. While some other legislators seem to delight in in-your-face brinkmanship and obnoxious bullying, Muscarella seems focused on his family, his career as an attorney, and public service to his district, which covers West Hempstead, Franklin Square, portions of Elmont and Floral Park, and Stewart Manor, Garden City and Garden City South.
      His opponent, Michael Uhl, 49, also of West Hempstead, is a good campaigner and seems dedicated to improving district residents' quality of life. As water commissioner for three years, Uhl said he sought to reform the way the West Hempstead Water District did business. He told the Herald that he is interested in consolidating special taxing districts under Town of Hempstead control by setting up town directors for water and sanitation. He believes this will save money and reduce nepotism.
      Uhl wants to cut spending in other ways, including the installation of cameras to catch drivers who run red lights, and putting Global Positioning Systems in county vehicles to keep track of where workers are. He is also in favor of offering "naming rights" to county facilities as a way of increasing revenue.
      We applaud Uhl, who is endorsed by the Democratic and Working Families parties, for his participation in this process. Some of his ideas merit a hearing, and we hope he continues to look for ways to serve his community.
      But there's no doubt the district is already being served with distinction by Vincent Muscarella and we think he's earned re-election to another term.