Never forget

National 9/11 Flag part of the ‘fabric’ of Pt. Lookout-Lido Fire Department parade


On Saturday Aug. 11, the Point Lookout-Lido Fire Department hosted the 2nd Battalion Parade. Honored as Grand Marshals were honorary Chiefs Lester Kappel, a 54-year member and former fire commissioner, and Ludwig Meyer, Sr. a 46-year member and former assistant chief of the department.

In addition, former Chief’s Matt Thompson, Tim Collins, Jeffrey Birnbaum, Dan McAuley, Warren Jaffe, and Brian Powers served as Divisional Marshall’s. The parade was well attended by both residents of the Lido-Point Lookout Fire District, as well as many neighbors from 2nd Battalion communities.

The highlight of the parade was the showing of the National 9/11 Flag. The historic flag was carried throughout the parade by members of the Point Lookout-Lido Fire Department, members of 2nd Battalion Fire Departments, Long Beach Waterfront Warriors, and community members who lost family members at the World Trade Centre.

The Point Lookout-Lido Fire Department and the 2nd Battalion were honored to have the 9/11 Flag in its parade. There was a beach party after the parade with live music and food.

The National 9/11 Flag is one of the largest American flags to fly above the wreckage at Ground Zero. Destroyed in the aftermath of the World Trade Center attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, and stitched back together seven years later by tornado survivors in Greensburg, Kansas, The National 9/11 Flag is a living testament to the resilience and compassion of the American people.

Currently on a journey across America marking the 10-year Anniversary of 9/11, the goal of The National 9/11 Flag Tour is to display the flag at leading venues nationwide, to empower local service heroes in 50 states with the privilege of stitching the flag back to its original 13-stripe format, and to inspire 300 million Americans with the flag’s rich visual history in order to deepen our sense of citizenship and national pride and bolster the spirit of volunteerism on the 9/11 Anniversary and year-round.

Former chief Chas Thompson is the commissioner of the Point Lookout-Lido Fire Department.