Snowball Run 2015

No snowballs, but lots of runners


Wantagh’s Snowball Run returned on a day when any snowball would have quickly melted. More than 200 runners charted the five-mile course which began and ended at Wantagh Middle School. The race last Saturday started out on the main roads before traversing through the Wantagh Woods neighborhood. It was the first time the race had been held since 2012 and was sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce.

“I think we pulled it off nicely,” said Mitchell Rich, the race director and a chamber board member. He added that he believes the warm weather increased the turnout on the day of the race. A total of 213 runners crossed the finish line.

Rich said he hopes participation will grow each year, and he said changes to the course are likely for next year.

The overall winner was Mike Darnell, of Wantagh, with a time of 27 minute 47 seconds, and the top female runner and second overall was Jodie Robertson who came in at 28:36.

“I had a really great time,” said Lauren Consoli, of Wantagh, who finished second in the 20-24 age group with a time of 41:53. “It didn’t feel like five miles.”

Consoli, a kick-boxing instructor, said she spent a lot of time running on the treadmill to prepare for the race in her hometown. She said it was her first time doing the Snowball Run.

“I’m definitely going to do it next year,” she said. “I’m going to make it a yearly thing.”