Letter to the Editor

Pension system needs reform


To the Editor:

The spring issue of “The Village Green” was just issued by the village. One might feel it was written for or by our local state representatives. Their names appeared on essentially every page. They were able to get back some of our tax money sent to Albany. They were lauded for this.

Their getting our money is an annual event and broadcast. Both have served a while and never have said anything about anything. Did you ever wonder about the Wicks law, the Taylor law or the Tri-boro law? All are for special interests and not in the public interest.

Both federal and local government retirees pay no state income tax on their pension. The non-government retiree gets a $20,000 deduction on his state tax (if he has a pension) and this hasn’t changed since it was first given in 1982. I’ve written about this to these representatives for years to no avail.

The government pension system is a license to steal. Pile on overtime and enhance retiree take home, then claim disability and get that, too. These two know all this and coast.

Special interests control Albany and these two go with the flow. They know the public is asleep.

Richard Creeron
Valley Stream