Community News

Performers needed for Wantagh variety show


The Wantagh Foundation for Educational Excellence will be hosting its first variety show next month, and is seeking participants who want to share their talents.

The show will be in memory of Dr. Jeanette Stern, who died on Oct. 5 after a battle with cancer. Stern worked in the district for 40 years, and was middle school principal for nine years before retiring in 2010. Money raised from the show will go toward a scholarship fund in her name, with a financial award going to a member of Wantagh High School’s class of 2016.

“I think it’s going to be a great time for people to get together in the community,” said event organizer Austin Costello, who was a student at the middle school when Stern was principal. “I’m sorry it has to be over the passing of someone that we loved, but at the same time we can pay tribute to a woman who worked hard for our town.”

The show will be held on Saturday, March 19 at 8 p.m. in the Wantagh High School auditorium. Tickets will be $10 per person, which can be purchased in advance or at the door.

Audition entries are due by this Sunday. Interested participants should submit a one-minute video of his or her planned act. Group performances are also welcome. Acts can include singing, dancing, playing an instrument, magic, stand-up comedy, puppetry and more.

Each entry should include the name and ages of all participants, the name of the piece, and the estimated length of the act. Costello said that all submissions will be reviewed, and acts chosen will be those that are well thought-out, ready to perform and appropriate for the stage.

Costello, who will also be the emcee, said the show is expected to last about an hour and half, and include 20 to 30 acts. He added that the hope is for this to become an annual event to raise money for scholarships. As the recipient of a scholarship himself when he graduated from Wantagh High School, he stressed how important this money can be for a college freshman.

For those with a case of stage fight, the Foundation is also seeking volunteers to help out at the show including stagehands, ticket takers and ushers.

For more information, to submit an entry, to volunteer or for tickets, email