Power quickly restored after weekend outages in Rockville Centre


At least 30 homes lost power on the northern, residential side of Rockville Centre early Sunday evening.

There were three isolated outages related to the intense heat, according to Phillip Andreas, superintendent of the Rockville Centre Electric Department.

One occurred between 4 and 5 p.m. due to transformer issues and affected about eight homes. Power was restored at 5:30 p.m. Another outage occurred at 6:15 p.m., leaving at least 15 homes without power, due to a blown fuse. Power was restored at 6:45 p.m. The last occurred at 8:15 p.m. due to transformer issues. It affected about seven homes, and power was restored shortly after.

Temperatures hit the high nineties this weekend. Given the weather forecast, the village electric department prepared a staffing plan with extra line crews on site and test-operated its power plant before the heat hit, Andreas said. The power plant ran all weekend to meet high customer loads. “The system performed well,” Andreas said. “We had very few outages.”

To report electrical outages in Rockville Centre, call (516) 766-5800.