Letter to the Editor

Principal search has been fair


To the Editor:

We are responding to the article “District 30 looks to increase minority hiring” (April 1-7). As the three parents on the Clear Stream Avenue principal search committee, we are quite perplexed by numerous statements questioning the ethical and transparent nature of the interview process.

Firstly, the assertion that the district has already failed in terms of the initiative to increase minority staff members is completely erroneous and contradictory. In the article, Superintendent Dr. Elaine Kanas clearly outlined the numerous steps taken to increase the diversity of the candidate pool. Clearly, reaching out to different professional minority organizations and increasing advertising to include multicultural publications yielded a larger number of qualified candidates who may not have been in the pool in previous years. Therefore, if these steps are taken for all future vacancies, District 30 is well on its way to achieving the goal as outlined in the strategic plan.

Secondly, much to the credit of district officials, the interview process was conducted in a highly professional and ethical manner. Dr. Kanas treated us as “essential collaborators” by welcoming our questions and encouraging us to share our concerns.

We urge all parties involved in this process to put politics aside and keep their eyes on the prize — student achievement. As quietly as it has been kept, Clear Stream Avenue is currently searching for the third principal in five years. The revolving door of school leadership at Clear Stream must stop with this new hire. When we sat down to interview the five candidates, we were seeking a transformational leader to make a commitment to our children — someone who has demonstrated the ability to promote positive relationships between community members, parents, students and staff.

We strongly urge those who question the transparency of the process to look very carefully at the two finalists. We have no doubt that a dynamic leader will emerge to help our children reach their full potential at Clear Stream Avenue School.

Joy Alcala
Monique Sampson
Vanessa Williams

Clear Stream Avenue School parents