Ramos looks to improve Oceanside


Dan Ramos of Oceanside finished his one-year term as Grand Knight on July 5, for the Knights of Columbus Council 3481, the largest in the US, but he won’t stop helping the community.

Ramos, who took over last year, focused on his Oceanside community by helping the Knights of Columbus distribute $20 thousand to charities in various towns around Nassau County.

“It wasn’t my year, it was our year,” said Ramos. “Unity, charity, and fraternity are stressed at the Knights of Columbus. My whole thing is getting involved into the community, and it won’t stop here”.

His focus now is the Alliance of Citizens to Improve Oceanside Neighborhoods (A.C.T.I.O.N.), helping Oceanside and neighboring towns still recovering from Hurricane Sandy. Ramos and his committee composed of members of the Board of Education and the fire department, among others, look at problems with the current drainage system and the ability to further improve the community’s ability to handle future natural disasters.

The next Grand Knight for the Knights of Columbus is William Gutilla.