Reinhard celebrates 100 days of school


The Reinhard Early Childhood Center is home to the Bellmore School District’s youngest students, in kindergarten through second grade. On Feb. 13, though, older adults roamed Reinhard’s halls –– or so it seemed.

Reinhard celebrated the 100th day of school a little more than one week ago. While taking part in myriad activities that followed the theme, children donned costumes that reflected how they might look at age 100.

Friday began with an assembly for kindergartners and first-graders. Led by Principal Patricia Castine and Assistant Principal Elise Cahill, students sang the Reinhard Rising Star song, the 100 Days of School song and counted to 100 to see how many kids represented the number of the day –– all while wearing gray wigs. Teachers also tossed beanbags as students counted to 100.

Second-graders received “mission bags” and were asked to investigate the various ways they could make 100. Index card results were posted on the walls outside their classrooms.

Additionally, 100 words were hidden throughout the halls for the students to find during the day. The school’s word of the day was centenarian –– a person who has reached 100 years old.