Rockville Centre Letters to the Herald Editor July 1, 2010


New teachers’ contract protects students, taxpayers

To the Editor:

The new contract agreed upon by the Rockville Centre Teachers Association and Board of Education represents an acute awareness of the district's economic climate, and protects the interests of students and taxpayers.

A significant portion of the RVCTA's membership lives in this community, and their immediate and extended families have experienced, firsthand, the challenges posed by these difficult economic times.

This awareness was reflected in contract negotiations. Our members agreed to forgo a salary increase for the 2010-11 school year and will continue to increase their health insurance contributions -- actions that will ease the burden on local taxpayers.

At the same time, the new agreement reflects our continued commitment to assuring that our students succeed and achieve.

The RVCTA is pleased with the collaborative approach taken during negotiations by the board, administration and union. All parties worked together in the best interest of the community and its students.

Viri Pettersen

President, Rockville Centre Teachers Association

Mandate training for dogs and owners

To the Editor:

As a longtime resident of Rockville Centre, I wish to thank the village board and administrators for all they have done to protect and secure my home over the years.

However, I need to express my dismay and disgust at the new piece of legislation banning pit bulls and Rottweilers from Rockville Centre. I am a certified dog trainer by profession and have numerous clients in Nassau County, many of whom live here in Rockville Centre. I also train at two Petco locations and I am a mentor trainer for Petco as well.

This law is discriminatory and is not focusing on the real problem. Pit bulls, Rotti's and Dobermans get enough bad press. The issue is not over what breeds are allowed and what breeds are not. Every dog is different and has a unique personality and temperament. Saying all pit bills or Rottweilers are " bad" is like saying all poodles are smart or all bulldogs are couch potatoes. It's the owners who poorly train these dogs that need to be punished, not the dogs.

Here's a case in point. I have clients in Valley Stream who have a Cane Corso puppy. They contacted me to start working with the dog, knowing the reputation of the breed, also known as Italian mastiffs, which were involved in a fatal, unprovoked attack on a Long Island woman living in San Francisco three years ago. Amica, the puppy, is the sweetest, most gentle, loving family dog imaginable. She loves treats, praises and belly rubs. She is a perfect example of what a dog can be with a caring, responsible family.

I suggest a different approach in Rockville Centre. Make it mandatory that owners and their dogs go through some kind of basic training program, where both the owner and the dog can work together on some socialization techniques as well as simple obedience exercises. If not, what's next, German shepherds, Great Danes, maybe a Maltese or a Shih Tzu?

Michael Schaier

Rockville Centre

New dog law shows ignorance

To the Editor:

After reading about the village's new law banning the ownership of Rottweilers and pit bulls, my husband and I were completely outraged and disappointed at the ignorance and lack of understanding the village board has shown about those breeds.

We proudly owned our Rottweiler, Genghis, for 13 years. He was incredibly intelligent, loyal and loving and a great protector when someone tried to break into our home. We have four children now, but at the time we had only two small babies. There was never a moment when I doubted the safety of my children with him. He would go into my daughter Kaleigh's room each night and walk by her crib, look in and then come up to sleep by us.

One night, Genghis was lying on my lap and refused to get off. He would follow me everywhere I went, and kept putting his head near my belly. This went on for hours, and we thought it was very strange. The next day I went to see my doctor, and found out that I had had a miscarriage. That "mean, vicious" breed of a dog knew.

If the trustees would spend some time educating themselves about these two breeds, they would realize that it's the mean, vicious owners that are responsible for the bad behavior of a few Rottweilers and pit bulls. So because of the minority of owners who are completely irresponsible, it is now against the law to own these dogs in Rockville Centre? I would recommend that the village instead spend its time going after those people.

With the exception of Ed Oppenheimer, we are disgusted and embarrassed by our village trustees' ill-informed decision.

Jennifer and James Botta

Rockville Centre