Sanctuary cities are a sham!


Since I last wrote about the direction of our country’s immigration policies, a federal judge has ruled in the United States of America v. Arizona and issued an injunction, blocking the most controversial aspects of Arizona’s SB 1070 from taking effect.

Arizona’s trailblazer governor, Jan Brewer, has appealed the injunction, and the battle will likely end up in the Supreme Court. Recently, Brewer conceded that she is considering making minor changes in the parts of the law that Judge Susan Bolton found the most fault with. And so the future of Arizona’s battle against the federal government’s failure to protect its borders continues.

Yet still, our country faces another surprisingly unknown crisis with illegal immigration, and it could be right in your backyard. It was recently unveiled just how shockingly lax the Obama administration’s policy on “sanctuary cities” — essentially cities that offer safe havens for illegal immigrants — has become.
It’s estimated that more than 50 American cities qualify as sanctuaries for illegal immigrants. These sanctuaries develop when an area’s law enforcement decides not to allocate their resources to enforcing certain federal immigration law. In other words, some cities mandate that their police officers not enforce illegal immigration laws. Large cities such as Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, San Francisco, Dallas and even the nation’s capital, Washington D.C., have been known to use this practice to shelter illegal immigrants from deportation.

In some instances, even illegal immigrants with criminal records have been allowed to stay in the country. That we have allowed this breach in our country’s most important priorities — the economy, jobs and national security — is a travesty, and it must end.

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