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Sandel Center seniors give thanks

Traditional turkey dinner draws a large, congenial crowd


The smell of a traditional Thanksgiving dinner — turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy— filled the air at the Sandel Senior Center on Nov. 18 during the center’s annual Thanksgiving Feast.

More than 100 members of the center, along with a few relatives and a dozen or so members of the Martin Luther King Jr. Center, celebrated the holiday together. “It’s always a wonderful and truly American occasion for us,” Rockville Centre Mayor Mary Bossart told the crowd while they ate. “I hope everyone is going to have a wonderful feast.”

Each year, the center offers a special thank-you at the dinner, and this year it thanked the group that helped with its reaccreditation as a senior center. The group included Bossart, Trustee Chuck Joyce and the center’s director, Dr. Cyd Charrow, among others.

“I feel particularly grateful to all of you,” said Deputy Director Chris O’Leary. “I think we have a lot of things to be grateful for here in Rockville Centre.”

The sentiment was echoed by many of the members. “I’m thankful I don’t have any health problems,” said one, Milton Cohen. “And I’m thankful my wife is still with me after 58 years. We come here all the time.”

Terry Conforti and her husband are both cancer survivors, and she said they are very thankful for that.

“I’m thankful for my wonderful, loving family,” said Belle Stein. “I have five kids and all the accouterments that go with it.”

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