Sandel Senior Center book club members celebrate a 10-year collaboration with the Rockville Centre Public Library


The Sandel Senior Center Book Club celebrated its 10-year anniversary last week as Ellen Berman, the librarian from the Rockville Centre Public Library who serves as the liaison to the club, gathered with eight current members over coffee and cake to celebrate the special occasion.

“I love to read, but I also love the input from others during every book club meeting,” said Ruthanne Zwarico, who has been a regular club member for the past five years.

“There are always different personalities and backgrounds among the people who participate," she added. "That usually leads directly to the types of discussions we have.”

Since August 2000, the number of participants in the club has fluctuated although a few original members are still active in it. Some years have witnessed larger groups of regular readers; some years it's been smaller.

But one constant has been the open attitude shown by members during the club's monthly meetings. “There is no right or wrong answer during our discussions,” said Berman. “We always encourage lively talk. Reading has that effect.”

Readings are chosen by club members and with Berman's help, the books are culled from libraries that are part of the Nassau County system and delivered to the Sandel Center for easy pick up. A sheet with questions relating to each text is also provided for review, and it sparks discussion when members gather.

“It’s all very quiet and under the radar compared to other events that take place here,” said the center's Deputy Director Chris O’Leary. “This is a good connection between the library and the senior services.”

Club participants have read a variety of literature over the years. Some of the more popular titles are "Memoirs of a Geisha," "The Alchemist" and "Loving Frank." During the recent party, members of the group discussed "The Lost Quilter" by Jennifer Chiaverini, a novel that depicts slavery before the Civil War.

Asked about the future of the book club, Berman said she'd like it to continue as it is. "The club has always been interesting for me and the members to take part in," she said. "I like to have fun during our meetings."