Herald endorsement

Say 'yes' to Rockville Centre library budget; elect Burke-Bucaria, Maher


The Rockville Centre Public Library is proposing a budget of $3.2 million, with a 2.2 percent tax levy increase that stays within the state-mandated tax-levy cap. Director Maureen Chiofalo said that the library has reduced its general-operations budget, in part by “going green,” with plans to offer its newsletter to patrons online, and also by working to find less-expensive sources for its computer reference subscriptions.

There will be no cuts in staff. But even as it incorporates economies, the proposed library budget would increase spending in a significant area — community programming — which would boost the facility’s innovative, free and valuable programs that serve community members well and have recently garnered international recognition from other librarians.

We believe library officials have kept taxpayers in mind as they streamlined spending and worked to reduce expenses. The proposed budget is more than fair to support such an important and well-used institution, and residents should give it their “yes” votes.

We also encourage them to show their support for the fine volunteer work that library trustees do for the community. Eileen Burke-Bucaria, who has taught literacy and English for more than 30 years, brings 12 years of experience to the board. Her strong background in reading and literature and her turns as board president, vice president and currently, secretary, certainly qualify her for re-election.

Newcomer and write-in candidate Andrea Maher, a literary agent with more than 30 years in the book publishing industry, is also an advocate for literacy, libraries and the role they play in the community. She, too, will make an excellent member of the library board, and deserves voter support.