Letter to the Editor

Schools should heed governor's advice


To the Editor:

Both District 13 and the Central High School District are in need of new superintendents. The new governor has had much to say about Long Island (124 districts) superintendents’ income as compared to his, $179,000 per year. It will be interesting to see if our boards are influenced in the least by his comments and suggestions. The superintendents’ union threaten to all leave the Island if those caps ($175,000 per year) are put in place.

At a recent school board meeting, I suggested they ask a four-star general, U.S. secretary of state or the governor to take one of the openings at their present income. These low-income people don’t have the same union on their side. One board member thought them over-qualified. Do you think the war in the Mideast would go better if we paid our generals as well as our superintendents?

Our boards have a chance to do something. Will they? It’s nice to have someone in authority on the side of the public for a change.

Richard Creeron

Valley Stream