Herald neighbors

Songs, prayers and the spirit of community


Attending the Women’s Seder on March 9 with her daughter, Carole Bachenheim, a congregant of Central Synagogue, described it as a wonderful event. Approximately 110 women participated. There was a strong sense of sisterhood she said, and women of all ages from the actual sisterhoods in three participating synagogues— host Temple Am Echad (the former Temple Emanu-el) in Lynbrook, Reconstructionist Temple Beth Emeth in Woodmere and Central Synagogue of Rockville Centre, were able to mix, mingle, meet new people and enjoy the camaraderie. Together the women have a strong voice, noted Bachenheim.

The modern service was assembled and led by Sandra Simons, Gilda Deckel and Barbara Stern, all members of Temple Am Echad. Vivian Blumstein and Sylvia Dultz from Am Echad, and Amy Dattner-Levy from Central Synagogue led the congregation in song. The event raised $244 for Mazon, a Jewish response to hunger.

The e-mails and phone calls have been coming in every day [since the Seder],” said Stern, “and everyone indicated it was the best Women’s Seder they had ever attended. It was put together and led with love and spirit. I think the most important thing was that we had fun doing it.”

“One hundred and ten women from the South Shore and beyond gathered together to celebrate a women's experience of Passover,” said Sandra Simons, a member of Temple Am Echad. “So much hard work culminating in an evening of song, dance, prayers and food [was] all done with a spirit of community.