Pool show

Swimming exhibition is one for the ages


After two months of practice, the Valley Stream Aquatic Club had its moment in the spotlight on Aug. 10. The group hosted its annual synchronized swimming show before a crowd of hundreds at the Hendrickson Park pool.

This year’s theme was Calendar Girls, which featured performances synced to songs representing each month of the year, from “Winter Wonderland” for January, to “Auld Lang Sang” for December.

Bridget Zinna, who coaches the club along with Allison Ferrara and Arline Daly, said the three of them spent much time brainstorming a theme that was original and creative. She said they were very happy with this year’s choice, which required the use of numerous props and costumes.

The Aquatic Club had about 50 members this year, which Zinna said is up from previous years. The girls practiced for the show six days a week. “A lot of dance teams are all year round,” Zinna said. “These girls, they only have two months to prepare. They dedicate their summer to synchronized swimming.”

Three members of the team were also presented with awards prior to the performance. Sophia Mura was named Rookie of the Year, Lauren Stewart was name most improved swimmer, and Juliet Kaminski was chosen as most valuable swimmer.

Every member of the Aquatic Club also received a participation award.

Zinna said there was a big crowd for the show, which was held in the evening. She said many family members and friends of the swimmers came, in addition to some of the pool’s regulars who had been watching the girls prepare for the past two months.

Swim team takes first

Members of the Valley Stream Swim Team also were honored at the pool show for their successful season. For the first time in history, the team captured first place in Division 1, which competed against swim teams from communities such as Garden City, Long Beach and Hempstead.

The team has won Division 2 titles in the past, but never had it captured the crown in Division 1, which is for the county’s top-ranked teams. Overall, Valley Stream placed third in Nassau County this year.

There are about 130 swimmers on the team, ranging from 6 to 16 years old and split into three age groups. To qualify for the team, a child must be able to swim the length of the pool.

The coaches are George Amitrano, Erin Wallace, Abigail Balsamo and Samantha O’Brien. Meets were held on Saturday mornings during the summer. Earlier this month, the Valley Stream pool hosted the AB Championship which featured some of the top young swimmers in the county.