
Valley Stream 30 codes and programs Lego robots


Valley Stream District 30 students were able to shine a spotlight on their robotic Lego creations that combines the basics of programming, coding, and robot Lego models earlier this month. Twenty students from all three buildings – Clear Stream Avenue, Shaw Avenue and Forest Road elementary schools – worked in three-person teams to build a Lego robot and script code that made their machine complete a range of tasks.

The Lego Robotics program breaks down complex STEM concepts into playful, engaging, hands-on activities that also sharpen teamwork and communication skills among participants.

At the Lego Robotics Night event, parents were able to browse the culmination of the students’ work and get a taste for the upcoming winter Lego Robotics competition.

“Due to the success of the week, the district will also be looking to have a LEGO Robotics Night during the school year that will be structured much like the culminating event,” said Shaw Avenue teacher Timothy Rau, who facilitated the program. “We are so happy and proud of what all the kids were able to accomplish.”