Village News

Valley Stream pool parking lot to close

Repaving expected to take a few weeks


The Hendrickson Pool parking lot will be closed beginning Monday, April 23 for repaving. The lot is on Merrick Road, just east of Fletcher Avenue.

On-street parking restrictions will be lifted on the west side of North Franklin Avenue between St. Marks Place and Merrick Road during construction.

The project is expected to take a few weeks to complete, and will result in the resurfacing of the entire parking lot. “Our village employees are working very hard to make our pool complex and parking lot clean, neat and inviting for the upcoming summer season,” said Village Clerk Bob Barra. “The end result will be a newly resurfaced parking lot to complement the beautiful improvements that are being made to our pool facility.”

Additional enhancements to the parking lot will include new lighting and an island of trees to replace the guardrail near the pool complex. The project will cost about $535,000 with most of the funding coming from the Federal Block Grant money and Capital Highway Improvement funds. The village will pick up the rest, about $35,000.

Barra said the completed lot will have about the same number of spots, maybe a few more. Currently there is room for 366 cars. The police booth at the southwest corner of the lot will have to be closed during the project, Barra said. He explained that officers will change shifts at Village Hall until the lot reopens.