Small Business Saturday

Valley Stream shoppers encouraged to stay local


Small Business Saturday, a promotion that became known around the nation in 2010, takes place the day after Black Friday and two days before Cyber Monday — which are aimed at shoppers looking to capitalize on deals at big-box retail stores and online. Saturday, however, is dedicated to encouraging shoppers to spend their money at local shops and service providers in order to energize small towns’ economies and improve downtowns.

American Express initiated Small Business Saturday in 2010, and it has taken off in the years since. In its first year, the promotion received more than a million likes on Facebook. In 2011, the U.S. Senate officially recognized Small Business Saturday. With millions of shoppers taking part, an estimated $5.5 billion was spent last year. While 67 percent of consumers reported awareness of the day last year, advertisements and television commercials encouraging local shopping this year have contributed to predictions of even greater spending.

Small Business Saturday is touted as the biggest day to make a difference in one’s downtown. The idea is to pump money into the community to help business owners and service providers increase revenue, and with it local employment opportunities. As well, thriving small businesses mean less need for tax increases.

Local shops, restaurants and service providers are known as the lifelines of a town’s economy. To publicize the effort and provide shopping incentives to lure residents away from big-box stores, small businesses across the county are offering markdowns and discounts, and shoppers are encouraged to reap the benefits.

Valley Stream has numerous small businesses throughout several commercial areas. In addition to the downtown business district on and around Rockaway Avenue, many shops can be found on Merrick Road, Sunrise Highway, Central Avenue, Mill Road, Dubois Avenue, Franklin Avenue, Dutch Broadway and Rosedale Road.

“As people begin their holiday shopping, we hope they remember our small businesses, which are the foundation of our community,” said Valley Stream Chamber of Commerce President Debbi Gyulay. She added that the new Maptoons cartoon map has just come out which includes a discount card for deals at several local businesses.

For more information on the initiative, visit

Andrew Hackmack contributed to this story.