Vote for Clavin for receiver of taxes


The position of receiver of taxes is one that is mostly managerial — managing the office, the workers and, of course, the money.

Because of that, we believe that the candidate with the most managerial experience is the best qualified for the position. And that’s why we endorse Republican incumbent Donald X. Clavin.

It seems odd to us that tax receiver is an elected position at all. It is, by its nature, nonpartisan: There’s no Democratic or Republican way to collect taxes.

The Democratic challenger, Wilton Robinson Jr., obviously cares about his community. In our interview with him, he struck us as a good-natured man who wants to effect real change in the Town of Hempstead. Robinson said he wanted to make the receiver of taxes a more advocacy-oriented position, but that’s just not what it is.

Because of his sincerity and his desire to change things, we can’t help but feel that Robinson is running for the wrong position. He would be much better suited to a seat in the County Legislature or on the Town Council.

Clavin has a proven record of working for the town’s taxpayers. He updated their tax bills so they can see where their money is going, and expanded the hours his office is open during the final days of tax season so residents have more opportunities to pay. He opened up a drive-through taxpaying service that is so popular that he plans to open another one. And he got New York state to pass a bill that will allow towns to give residents the option to receive their tax bills and receipts either by mail or electronically. Clavin says that if just 10 percent of residents opt for electronic bills, it will save the town tens of thousands of dollars.

For receiver of taxes, the choice is clear: Clavin is a charismatic and affable man with the experience the position requires and the vision to continue to build on the improvements he has already made. Robinson’s heart is in the right place, but he is the wrong fit for this position. We encourage him to run for a different seat in the future, one in which he would be able to fight for the changes he wants to see.