
Vote for Lanci in the North Bellmore district


The Bellmore Herald enthusiastically endorses incumbent Board of Education Trustee Nina Lanci in the North Bellmore School District.

Lanci was first appointed to the North Bellmore board in 2003 to replace Jim Rooney, who died that year. Lanci, who holds an accounting degree, has been a consistently strong advocate for the children of North Bellmore at the same time that she has worked to keep the district’s budget increases –– and local property taxes –– in check.

“We’re mindful of what the community can bear,” Lanci said in a recent interview.

The community recently voted to approve a $9 million bond to repair North Bellmore’s aging schools, a bond supported by Lanci. Revamp work will begin this summer.

Lanci also serves on the Bellmore-Merrick Central High School District. There, once again, we see her commitment to the children and fiscal responsibility. She has consistently taken a position against artificial-turf football fields for the three high schools, saying that, at $3.5 million, they’re a high-priced luxury that the taxpayers of the Bellmore-Merrick community simply cannot afford. We agree.

We like Lanci’s opponent, John Ferrara. An electrician by trade, he volunteers in a number of capacities in North Bellmore.

Still, we see no reason to unseat Lanci. Vote for the incumbent next Tuesday.