Save a Life

Wantagh Fire Department schedules blood drive


The second portion of the Wantagh Fire Department’s 2014 semi-annual Blood Drive will be held at Station 1, 3470 Park Ave. in Wantagh, on Tuesday, Nov. 18, from 3:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., in cooperation with the Blood Donor Center of the Nassau County Medical Center.

Blood volunteers must be between 17 and 75 years, in general good health, must weigh at least 110 pounds, and must not have donated blood in the last 56 days. Volunteers with a history of Multiple Sclerosis, heart disease and/or stroke will not be accepted. However, those with diabetes that is non insulin-dependent and is under control will be allowed.

Those over 75 years must meet all criteria and provide a physician’s letter. Social Security numbers are required so donations may be crossed checked for health reasons.

Since donations are being accepted during the evening and may interfere with supper, the Blood Drive Committee and Ladies Auxiliary will host a light supper.

It is estimated that 900 pints of blood are needed daily. With that thought in mind, the Wantagh Fire Department urges all who can donate to come out and participated in this worthy cause.