We’re a resurrection people


Many years ago Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin was one of the most powerful men on earth. A Russian Communist leader, he took part in the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. He was the editor of the Soviet newspaper Pravda, and was a full member of the Politburo. His works on economics and political science are still read today.

There is a story told about a journey he took from Moscow to Kiev in 1930 to address a huge assembly of Communists.  The subject was atheism. When he had finished, he looked out at the audience. "Are there any questions?" he demanded. Deafening silence filled the auditorium, but then one man approached the platform and mounted the lectern.  

After surveying the crowd, he shouted the ancient greeting of the church: "Christ is risen!” The crowd stood up and shouted in a thundering voice: “He is risen indeed!” 

Bukharin left the stage in silence. He had learned the lesson that faith in Christ’s resurrection was deeply rooted in the people. Easter, the feast of the resurrection, gives us the joyful message that we are a “resurrection people.”  This means that we are not supposed to lie buried in the tomb.

It gives us the good news that no tomb can hold us down anymore -- neither the tomb of despair, discouragement, doubt nor death. Instead, we are expected to live a joyful and peaceful life, constantly experiencing the real presence of the resurrected Lord in all the events of our lives. 

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad. 

The living presence of the resurrected Lord gives us lasting peace and celestial joy amid the boredom, suffering, pain and tensions of our day-to-day life. 

“Peace be with you” was his salutation to his disciples on all post-resurrection appearances. May we always express that peace to each other.

Father Chris Nowak is pastor of Saint Mary of the Isle Parish in Long Beach.