School News

Young East Rockaway voters discuss the issues

Students in ERHS government class speak about the presidential race


Herald intern Brendan Gillespie asked his fellow seniors in his government class at East Rockaway High School, “What are the most important issues in the upcoming presidential election?” and “What are some important qualities in a presidential candidate?” They responded with a variety of answers — and also revealed who they would or would not be inclined to vote for. Their teacher, Carol Sanders, also put in her thoughts.

“I think our economy, and our issue with ISIS are most important,” said student Matt Seifert. “Being 18 trillion dollars in debt is horrible, and ISIS, if not taken care of soon, will become even more of a threat.” As far as a leader, he said, “Even though this is hard to come by in politicians, an honest person who stands by their beliefs makes a great leader. Also, someone who can listen to the people and do what is best for all citizens." If it comes down to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, which it appears it will at this point, Seifert said, he would vote for Trump. “While I don’t agree with his attacking nature and ignorance, Clinton is a crook and a liar.”

Mariah Capone said that the issues of immigration, abortion, and the economy and deficit are most important to her. As far as a presidential candidate? “Being willing to make changes that haven’t been made before, being strong-willed, someone that won’t crack under pressure, someone that has well thought out policies.”

Alexis Guner said that terrorism policies, immigration, education, and foreign policy are on her mind. As far as a president, she said that someone who is experienced in politics, who is well versed and is well liked — especially overseas — and someone who is willing to get things done would make a good president. “And,” she added, “anyone but Donald Trump.”

One the issues, Mike Acampora said that the economy, racial issues and foreign threats are important. He wants a leader who has “Strong morals and leadership skills.”

Tess Leale said that “gun control, abortion, gay rights” are big issues, and a president should have “intentions to help the people and benefit the future, being level headed, intelligent, and liberal.”

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