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Wow. You based all of your opinions on this family on how they dress and what their interests are. I know the family you stayed with, not real well, but i can tell you they are better people than most. After their son cut his hair, he gave it to a charity to help children with cancer. Have you done any work like that? From what i gather, you would probably just call them "losers" and tell them "they suck." Which by the way, you do... at being a human being. I agree with the above comment that calling your kids names is borderline abusive. House cats make better mothers. Your poor daughter. She seems to be the only one in the family with any talent. She deserves more attention. Your boys can't even skate. More people should be like the Schroeders and not be afraid to express individuality unlike the uppity snobs running the Wardle family.

From: ‘Wife Swap’ features Hewlett family

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