Book ’em

BPL summer readers celebrate


The Baldwin Public Library held a festive End of Summer Reading Party last week. The event celebrated the achievements of summer reading club members, and awards were handed out to the kids who finished through the most books. The program, administered through the library, is a state initiative designed to keep kids reading during the summer months.

“We had snacks and gave out prizes,” said Jill Holleufer, head of the BPL’s young adult services department. These included Barnes & Noble gifts cards for young readers who consumed the most graphic novels, as well as free books for all participants, tickets to attractions like the Cradle of Aviation Museum and more. “We had ‘Hunger Games’ trivia,” Holleufer said, “and a performance by Gwendolyn Quezaire-Presutti.” Quezaire-Presutti, below, is a storyteller and oral historian. Her presentation recreated the living history of important American-born women. For additional photos from the event, see page 11.