Girl Scouts provide ‘a bit of sunshine’ at Lenox


A small, brick structure that once served as a ticked booth for football games at Lenox Elementary School was recently given a splash of color, courtesy of some local Girl Scouts who wanted to do something nice for their school.

The girls in troops 2036 and 2331 teamed up last school year to make the project happen. Troop 2331 reached out to Principal Bernice Acevedo in search of ideas around the same time Troop 2036 asked Acevedo if there was a project it could donate money toward. It just so happened that Acevedo had a match for both troops.

In recent years, the ticket booth has been boarded up and hasn’t done much else besides age. So the idea of Troop 2036 doing something artistic with the building and Troop 2331 donating some of its profits from cookie sales came to be.

With some guidance from the Lenox Beautification Committee and some artistic adults, the girls painted panels last school year that were then installed by district maintenance workers in September. Each panel has its own design and color scheme, and feature a positive message.

Acevedo said the new and improved ticket booth now spreads “our message of character education and [provides] a bit of sunshine to our community.”